The Foundation Stone

1. Ditch the ego, pal! It's not your friend. It's like carrying a grumpy cat around all day. Let it go, and feel the freedom!

2. Acceptance isn't waving the white flag, it's opening the door. It's like saying, "Hey world, I get it. Let's dance!" That's where the real party starts.

3. You've got ♾️ energy inside you! Don't let those doubts dim your shine. Believe in yourself, and watch amazing things happen.

4. What-When-How Do what you love, when you want, how you want. It's that simple. Don't let your ego boss you around, do what makes YOU happy.

5. Tools = Respect = Tools Treat your tools right; they're your sidekicks! Whether it's a laptop, a pen, a stethoscope, a camera, or a shovel. Show them some love.

- by Himansh Mudigonda